Conflict Resolution & Security | Conflict Resolution & Stabilization | Syria
By Warren Hoge | Global Observatory | January 28, 2014
In this interview, Craig Charney discusses the result of a new survey of Syrians conducted by Charney Research for the Syria Justice and Accountability Center and offers a window into how Syrians feel about the current strife in their country. The survey used Syrian interviewers to contact people in seven different locations around Syria, with Charney emphasizing a caveat: “Almost everyone said no end to the conflict was in sight,” because the sides still seemed quite far apart on what the terms of a settlement might be.
Conflict Resolution & Security | Syria
Report | January 2, 2014 | 92 pages
This article discusses the results of a qualitative study conducted by Charney Research consisting of 46 in-depth interviews among Syrians both inside and outside of Syria for the Syrian Justice and Accountability Center. The survey covers the following topics: Syrians’ attitudes about the current civil war; their views of key actors in both the government and the opposition; how they want the conflict resolved; and their attitudes toward accountability.